
Egg safety still an issue

Egg safety still an issue

An FSA survey of UK-produced eggs has found that the level of
salmonella contamination is now one third of what it was in 1996.
But one industry expert says that food manufacturers should still
exercise caution, writes Anthony Fletcher.

The cutting edge of food

The cutting edge of food recently visited a research unit in
the south of France to find more out about the role science plays
in improving the quality of cereal-based foods. Some recent
discoveries could be of great benefit to the...

UK to clear GM crops?

UK to clear GM crops?

Favourable news for the pro-GM camp as a team of British scientists
claims that genetically modified (GM) maize is less damaging to
wildlife than conventional varieties. At the same time, leading UK
organisations call on Tony Blair...

Czech this out

Czech this out

Organisers of the international food fair Salima 2004 claim that
exhibitor numbers are up on for the bi-annual event, to be held in
Brno, southern Moravia, from 2-5 March

Oats in the safety zone

Oats in the safety zone

Consumers in the UK can eat their porridge safe in the knowledge
that their oat products are free from harmful toxins - mycotoxins -
after an extensive survey in the UK found very low traces, if none
at all, of the contaminant in...

Russian 'ravioli' revolution

Russian 'ravioli' revolution

Russia may be slowly adapting a number of western food and drink
habits - the rise of the country's beer industry is evidence of
that - but there is still plenty of life left in some of the
country's more traditional food...

Mega Pizza breakthrough

Mega Pizza breakthrough

Lawrence Equipment, a major manufacturer of flat bread machinery in
the United States and Europe, has recently released a new
innovation, the Mega Pizza System, which is capable of producing
multiple pizza bases operating at multiple...

To bake, or not to bake?

To bake, or not to bake?

Whatever their stance on the debate over genetically modified
crops, bakers are now having to decide on whether to stick to
conventional wheats or the genetically engineered product- albeit
with greater social, political and economic...

Flavoursome fibres

Flavoursome fibres

The healthy components of fibres such as oats and rye can also
enhance their flavour if the correct processing techniques are
used, claims new Finnish research.

Recycling at double speed

Recycling at double speed

The European Commission has welcomed the agreement reached by the
European Parliament and Council conciliation committee to increase
the minimum recycling targets for packaging waste from 25 to 55 per
cent by 2008. The agreement overcomes...

Protein packing

Protein packing

Whey proteins remaining after cheese-making are now being added as
a key ingredient to new nutritious snack foods in a new process
devised by the Agricultural Research Service.

Europe's food industry steady

Europe's food industry steady

In the wake of terrorist attacks in the US on September 11, 2001
Europe's manufacturing industries have taken a knock but figures
released this week reveal that the food industry is managing the
course, registering a 'light...

The perfect bun

The perfect bun

Researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology are undertaking
development of an automated product-inspection prototype, working
with staff of Flowers Bakery in Villa Rica, Georgia.

Tightening security

Tightening security

Quality Assurance International, a global leader in certification
services, has launched a new Food Security Programme in response to
new requirements laid down by the FDA's bioterrorism regulations.

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